Monday, March 22, 2010



The Yearbook Committee have decided to make things a little more interesting, and host a competition for our yearbook :D As per the result, our yearbook theme will be comic-styled, incorporating SUPERHEROES. That essentially means that our yearbook will have a real comic-book feel to it.

Anyway, here are the competition details:

Task: To design our YEARBOOK COVER
Details: It must be designed to incorporate the yearbook theme (Superheroes/comic), templates sizes are available for download below. ALSO, it MUST contain the school logo somewhere.. :)

You can design the yearbook cover in many ways:

1. Using Microsoft Publisher - For this, you won't need to download any additional template, Just create it using your normal Microsoft Publisher settings
2. Using Adobe Illustrator - Download template
3. Using Adobe InDesign - Download template
4. Using Adobe Photoshop - Download template

Due date: 10:00PM SUNDAY 2nd MAY 2010 --Entries will not be accepted after this time and date.

Submission: Once you think you're done, attach it in an email and send it off to

Now you're probably wondering, "What's in it for me if I win? My cover gets used for the yearbook? Pfft, that's all?" Well guess what? There's a prize (duh.. LOL)

The winner gets a $50 discount off their yearbook, compliments of the Yearbook Committee ;)

GOOD LUCK TO ALL PARTICIPANTS. We look forward to browsing through your submissions!

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